sbsd elite

SBSD Elite is geared for students interested in taking their dance training to a higher, more rigorous, level. A commitment to this team means making a commitment to TRAINING your body for dance, versus simply taking dance classes. It means striving for excellence as an individual, as well as a member of a team. This kind of commitment requires more time, more effort and more sacrifice.

  • Dancers are selected for teams through an AUDITION process.

  • Depending on the team, there are certain pre-requisites that must be met in order to be considered for the Team.

  • In addition to technical pre-requisites, dancers that are invited to audition, or attend an open audition, are expected to have consistently demonstrated the following:

    • A high level of focus and effort in their current dance classes, willingness to face challenges with a CAN DO attitude, understanding that mistakes are part of the process, ability to accept & apply corrections, a noticeable love for performing/entertaining.

  • In some instances, teams may be formed and/or dancers may be invited to a team based solely on teacher/staff recommendation. In these rare circumstances, invitations are extended to potential candidates and an audition may not be required.

team selection

  • Training/Dancing a minimum of 6-8 hours of class each week which includes:

    • A minimum of TWO hours/week of ballet

    • ONE weekly foundational technique § ONE weekly Conditioning class

    • Team Choreography classes (hours depend on number of teams you are on)

    • HIP HOP team - additional weekly HH class

    • TAP team - additional Tap Technique requirement may apply

    • JAZZ and LYRICAL/CONTEMP team – additional turns & leaps class

  • Continue training throughout summer months

  • Extra rehearsals + all regular SBSD rehearsals & performances

  • 2-3 Convention/Competition weekends each year - requires travel


Ready to take your dance to the next level?

Successful team dancers are those students who are passionate about their dance training and committed to making dance their NUMBER ONE extra-curricular activity. Team dancers must not only LOVE to dance, but they must be hungry to learn and ready to take ownership of their own growth and progress as a dancer. To do this dancers must be committed to consistent training, willing to put in extra practice time whenever necessary and interested in receiving and applying correction with the understanding that their success in becoming a well rounded, technically strong, fluid dancer and performer depends most heavily on their own personal commitment and efforts.

who can attend the auditions

Open Auditions

  • Must be at least 8 years old

  • Recommended that dancer has been training for a minimum of one year including no less than two hours/week of ballet plus at least one hour/week of a technique class.


  • Any dancer who receives an unsolicited recommendation from an SBSD instructor will be invited to audition

  • Dancers may also communicate their interest in SBSD Elite to an SBSD staff member. This will not guarantee them an invitation to audition, but it will allow us the opportunity to advise and recommend a TRAINING PATH to help get an interested dancer where they want to be.